How to Get Rid of Blemishes Using Home Remedies

How to Get Rid of Blemishes Using Home Remedies

Most teenagers go through difficult years with acne and blemishes on their face, but it is not limited to teenagers. Adults can have an acne and blemish problems for many years. Blemishes are typically caused by oil clogged pores and stress. Blemishes are ugly and those who suffer from them want to get rid of them as fast and as easy as they can. It is not always easy to get rid of blemishes. But, there are different things a person with blemishes can do to get rid of them naturally.

Things You'll Need:

Calamine lotion

One ice cube

Washcloth or dish towel





Sandalwood paste

3 strawberries



Rub calamine lotion on your face where the blemish is. Calamine lotion absorbs excess oil in the skin and gets rid of the blemish. Use calamine lotion as often as needed.


Take one ice cube and wrap it in a washcloth or dish towel. Hold the wrapped ice cube to the blemish for about five minutes and the ice cube will cool the blemish and decrease inflammation. Use an ice cube as soon as you feel or see a blemish coming on to help reduce the redness and swelling.


Use a good sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher on your skin whenever you go outside. The sun can make blemishes worse and can interfere with certain acne medications and treatments.


Mix together a little bit of honey, lemon and a pinch of turmeric. Apply this mixture to the skin regularly. This combination can be very effective if used properly and regularly.


Add sandalwood paste to water and apply it to your skin where the blemishes are. Sandalwood is good for keeping your skin clear and free of acne or blemishes. Sandalwood also soothes a painful pimple or boil on the skin.


Put three strawberries in a bowl and smash them with a fork. Pour enough vinegar in the bowl to make a paste with the strawberries. Spread this strawberry and vinegar paste onto the problem area of your skin and keep it on overnight. Use a towel in between your face and your pillow to protect your linens. Wash the paste off in the morning.
Use this paste every night. Make it a habit to use it even after the blemishes are gone, to keep the blemishes away and keep your skin clear.

Tips & Warnings

The best acne and blemish treatment, you can buy over-the-counter, is any kind of acne medication that has benzoyl peroxide in it.

Control your stress levels to avoid or get rid of blemishes. Stress is a major cause in acne and blemishes.

Stay out of the sun and in the shade. The sun can tan your skin and cover up blemishes but it can also make blemishes worse.

Don't scrub your face. Scrubbing can dry your skin and make blemishes worse.

Avoid using makeup with oil base in them. Oil based makeup has been known to cause blemishes.

Try not to pop a pimple because popping can cause scarring.