How to Get Rid of Gas and Uncomfortable Bloating

How to Get Rid of Gas and Uncomfortable Bloating

Getting rid of gas and bloating takes a little time but here are some tips that some people swear by and actually work.


Lay on the floor, stomach down and pull your knees under your stomach, raising your rear end. This really does help remove gas. Stay that way for as long as you can take it, but before your legs fall asleep!


Go for a walk. Sometimes gas is caused by constipation. Walking will get things moving along, and the gas along with it.


Laxatives. Try natural laxatives before over the counter meds. This will help remove constipation and its ugly side effects.


Salad. Sometimes a nice large salad full of roughage is all you need to fix bloating and gas.


Avoid eating foods that obviously will make you more gassy: Beer, Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, etc.


Avoid drinking any beverages from a straw as you suck in air with the fluids adding to belly aches.

Tips & Warnings

If you have persistent gas, you may have a serious medical problem. See your physician for advice.

How to Get Rid Of Colds And Flu

How to Get Rid Of Colds And Flu

The common cold and the flu, are both caused by a variety of viruses, and both are highly contagious. Symptoms of a cold include sneezing, running nose, and watery eyes, usually without a fever. The Flu, on the other hand, has several additional symptoms, including chills, fever, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Both conditions respond well to natural remedies. In fact, during cold and flu season, natural remedies can help boost your resistance to these viruses.

Things You'll Need:

A few herbs

Vinegar (any kind)

Hot Liquids

Facial Steam

Rest Well

Nasal Drops

Pain Relieving Cream


SPECIAL HERBS (Take as directed on label)
Echinacea: Elderberry: Feverfew: Goldenseal: Slippery Elm:

Garlic: 500 mg daily.
Ginger Extract (EV EXT 77): one to two 170-mg capsules daily.

Taking these special herbs will help you feel much better.


* Drink hot liquids, such as chicken soup and hot teas,
* Drink more fluid.
* Try a facial steam with a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
* Apply pain relieving cream on the outside of nostrils.
* Get extra rest.
* Apply saltwater nasal drops.
* Take vitamin C 500 mg one to two times daily.


Breathing in steam from a vaporizer, can be beneficial in a facial steamer with a few drops of eucalyptus oil.


To treat head or chest congestion, add 1/4 cup vinegar to a vaporizer, and run it for an hour or more.


Sprinkle your pillowcase with apple cider vinegar to control nighttime coughing.


During a period of cold or flu, make your own cough syrup to have on hand. Mix 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, and pour into a jar of bottle that can be tightly sealed. Shake well before each use. Take 1 tablespoon every 4 hours. If cough persists for more than a week, see your doctor.


Vinegar can be used for a sore throat, Using 1 teaspoon per 8 ounces of water, for gargling.

Tips & Warnings

If cough persists for more than a week, see your doctor.

How to get rid of cold fast

How to get rid of cold fast

cold remedy

Things You'll Need:




2 limes
1 tsp of honey


mix both in a cup



Tips & Warnings

cold with go away by morning


How to Get Rid of Cellulite with an Herbal Body Rub

How to Get Rid of Cellulite with an Herbal Body Rub

You can get rid of cellulite with an herbal body rub. You can make your own cellulite remedy from ingredients that are already available in your pantry. What's more, it is a natural home remedy that won't harm your skin with harsh chemicals. Read on to learn how to get rid of cellulite with an herbal body rub.

Things You'll Need:

1/4 cup coffee

1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/3 teaspoon cinnamon

3 tablespoons olive, apricot or sesame oil

1 tablespoon of honey.


Grind 1/4 cup of coffee beans very finely. Add 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix thoroughly.
The caffeine in coffee helps tighten the skin, while the spice helps stimulate blood circulation.


Add three tablespoons of olive, apricot or sesame oil and one tablespoon of honey. Combine to mix thoroughly. Honey has antiseptic properties while the oil serves to moisturize your skin naturally.


After your shower, vigorously rub this onto the affected area for a couple of minutes. Wash it off well.

How to Get Rid Of Cellulite Through Diet

How to Get Rid Of Cellulite Through Diet

You can help get rid of cellulite through diet and nutrition by taking eating foods that provide nutrients that re-hydrate, rebuild and revitalize your skin. Food can be an inexpensive, natural cellulite treatment. Read on to learn how to get rid of cellulite through diet and nutrition.


Stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables. The more colourful the produce, the more helpful it is in fighting cellulite. These include chlorophyll-rich veggies like spinach and wheatgrass, tomatoes, sweet pepper and carrots. You should also eat as much fresh fruit as possible, particularly blueberries, carrots, papaya, oranges and strawberries. They all contain lecithin, which helps to revitalize your damaged skin cells while increasing water retention. They are also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.


Eat foods that are rich in fatty acids to help re-hydrate and repair damaged connective tissue. This means plenty of salmon, olive oil and canola oil, walnuts, almonds and other types of nuts.


Increase your collagen and elastin levels by including the amino acids found in milk (preferably skimmed), eggs and poultry.


Eat less butter and hydrogenated vegetable oils, red meat, pork, high fat cheese, cakes, pastries and sweets.


Avoid foods with high fat content like butter and hydrogenated vegetable oils, fried foods, red meat, pork, high fat cheese, cakes, pastries and sweets.


Drink water. Lots and lots and lots of water. Cranberry juice and green tea are also able allies in combating cellulite.

How to get rid of brain freeze

How to get rid of brain freeze

this is how to get rid of brain freeze


Understand what causes brain freeze. When the cold object touches the roof of your mouth, the blood vessels contract in response in an effort to prevent loss of body heat. As the coldness recedes, the blood vessels relax again, quickly increasing blood flow to the brain. This sudden release is what causes the intense headache sensation.


Prevent cold food from touching the roof of your mouth. Obviously, you're not going to give up cold foods just so that you can avoid brain freeze. Rather, let the bite or sip warm on your tongue before you let the substance touch the roof of your mouth.


Relieve brain freeze pain by quickly warming the roof of your mouth (also referred to as the soft palate and hard palate; the hard palate being the part with bone, and the soft without) after it's already been cooled. If you do this soon enough, you may be able to ease the surge of bloodflow to your brain:

Touch your tongue to your soft palate. If you can roll your tongue in a ball, press the bottom of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. The underside of your tongue may be warmer than the top side which was probably cooled by the Slurpee you just chugged. (Some people find that firmly pressing your tongue against the roof of the mouth alleviates brain freeze, so try applying extra pressure!)
Drink a warm substance. Slowly sipping room temperature water also does the trick for some people.
Make a mask with your hands to cover your mouth and nose. Breathe quickly, raising the temperature inside your mouth.
Press a warm thumb against your palate.


Wait it out. The brain freeze will usually pass on its own within 30-60 seconds. Sometimes the shock of the brain freeze makes it seem worse than it really is, but if you expect it and know that it'll come and go, it doesn't have to be a traumatizing experience.

Tips & Warnings

To avoid needing to use the above steps, try not to swallow too much cold food at once. Savor it and breathe in-between each mouthful. Alternatively, eat the food at a slightly warmer temperature if possible

Much like "hiccup cures" these methods may or may not work for you, but it doesn't hurt to try them.

Do not touch your palatine uvula ("punching bag" in back of throat). That will trigger the vomit reflex.

How to Get Rid of Blemishes Using Home Remedies

How to Get Rid of Blemishes Using Home Remedies

Most teenagers go through difficult years with acne and blemishes on their face, but it is not limited to teenagers. Adults can have an acne and blemish problems for many years. Blemishes are typically caused by oil clogged pores and stress. Blemishes are ugly and those who suffer from them want to get rid of them as fast and as easy as they can. It is not always easy to get rid of blemishes. But, there are different things a person with blemishes can do to get rid of them naturally.

Things You'll Need:

Calamine lotion

One ice cube

Washcloth or dish towel





Sandalwood paste

3 strawberries



Rub calamine lotion on your face where the blemish is. Calamine lotion absorbs excess oil in the skin and gets rid of the blemish. Use calamine lotion as often as needed.


Take one ice cube and wrap it in a washcloth or dish towel. Hold the wrapped ice cube to the blemish for about five minutes and the ice cube will cool the blemish and decrease inflammation. Use an ice cube as soon as you feel or see a blemish coming on to help reduce the redness and swelling.


Use a good sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher on your skin whenever you go outside. The sun can make blemishes worse and can interfere with certain acne medications and treatments.


Mix together a little bit of honey, lemon and a pinch of turmeric. Apply this mixture to the skin regularly. This combination can be very effective if used properly and regularly.


Add sandalwood paste to water and apply it to your skin where the blemishes are. Sandalwood is good for keeping your skin clear and free of acne or blemishes. Sandalwood also soothes a painful pimple or boil on the skin.


Put three strawberries in a bowl and smash them with a fork. Pour enough vinegar in the bowl to make a paste with the strawberries. Spread this strawberry and vinegar paste onto the problem area of your skin and keep it on overnight. Use a towel in between your face and your pillow to protect your linens. Wash the paste off in the morning.
Use this paste every night. Make it a habit to use it even after the blemishes are gone, to keep the blemishes away and keep your skin clear.

Tips & Warnings

The best acne and blemish treatment, you can buy over-the-counter, is any kind of acne medication that has benzoyl peroxide in it.

Control your stress levels to avoid or get rid of blemishes. Stress is a major cause in acne and blemishes.

Stay out of the sun and in the shade. The sun can tan your skin and cover up blemishes but it can also make blemishes worse.

Don't scrub your face. Scrubbing can dry your skin and make blemishes worse.

Avoid using makeup with oil base in them. Oil based makeup has been known to cause blemishes.

Try not to pop a pimple because popping can cause scarring.

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat With Herbs

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat With Herbs

When it comes time to remove those extra pounds, it is easy to get swept up into the latest trends--fad diets, diet pills and the latest exercise gurus are all part of this profitable industry. But it doesn't need to be expensive or hard to lose the weight.

There are several reasons why people could be carrying around excess belly fat. Stress. Overeating. Lack of exercise. Sluggish liver or thyroid. That's why not every weight loss program will be the same. What works for one person, may not work for another.

That's why the simple formula of cutting calories and exercising may not be enough for some people. For example, for people who have a sluggish liver, unless this problem is tackled--the weight will not come off.

So what can be done? For me, I prefer to use herbs to aid in my weight loss efforts. But my approach does not involve stimulants, which is the main idea behind most weight loss diet supplements.

Mine involves a gentle program of using herbs to help a sluggish liver, to assist in stress management and provide the body with extra vitamins and minerals. It also includes herbal teas such as green tea, which may help burn off fat, and ginger, which is also considered helpful for weight loss.

Here are some tips for weight loss with herbs.

Things You'll Need:

Burdock Root

Dandelion Leaves

Stinging Nettle Leaves




Green Tea


For each of the herbs listed above, the best way is to prepare them as a tea. Do not mix the herbs together--only use one herb at a time. Choose one or two herbs that seem to suit your needs the best. For every cup of boiling water, use 1 tsp. of the dried herb or one tea bag.


If you would like to assist your liver in a gentle way, prepare a tea using either burdock root or the dandelion leaves. Dandelion has the added benefit of being rich in certain vitamins, such as Vitamin A.


To use herbs to help boost the vitamin and mineral content of your diet, your best bet is to prepare a tea using stinging nettle leaves or alfalfa leaves. If you consume a good amount of vitamins and minerals throughout the day, your body will be able to perform optimally, which may eventually lead to more weight loss.


Oatstraw and chamomile are the two herbs I reach for to help manage stress. Stress can cause you to gain weight either from overeating or from any hormone imbalances the stress may cause.


Green tea is a classic herb that is often used for weight loss. It does have some caffeine, but there is not very much in it. It's a mild stimulant that is often found in diet pills. However, green tea is a lot gentler than diet pills in general. Drinking 3 cups of green tea a day can help you burn 90 additional calories. This can really add up.

Tips & Warnings

Always choose the highest quality herbs you can find.

Make sure your water is also high quality and filtered.

You can sweeten any of your teas with sugar or honey if you don't like the taste of the herbs by themselves.

Consult with a doctor before you begin any herbal program.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath with Herbs

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath with Herbs

There's no need for candy breath fresheners, made with artificial sweeteners. Freshen your breath with these natural spices and herbs.

Things You'll Need:


mint leaves

cardamon seeds



A quick way to freshen up your breath and keep it fresh is by sucking on a whole clove. When finished, just spit out the clove.


Grow a favorite mint plant in your garden. In spring, summer, and autumn, pluck a leaf or two from your mint plant and chew on it to get rid of stale breath.


Chew on a few cardamon seeds after a meal to freshen your breath.


Chew on a piece of nutmeg (found in some health stores) to purify your breath.