How to Treat Infertility With Mayan Abdominal Massage

How to Treat Infertility With Mayan Abdominal Massage

Mayan abdominal massage is a non-invasive massage technique where the abdominal area is massaged to reposition internal organs correctly. This improves the reproductive and digestive functions and can help with infertilty problems. Mayan abdominal massage has been traditionally practiced in Central America to treat women with a low or dislocated uterus.


Determine the position of the uterus. According to midwives and healers in Central America, many common female reproductive health issues are the result of a dislocated womb. This can occur in many ways: a car accident, overstretched and weakened ligaments from
and labor and wearing high-heeled shoes. Mayan abdominal massage can help guide the uterus back into position, relieving the accompanying physical and emotional symptoms.


Flush toxins from the body. Reproductive organs that have shifted can obstruct the flow to blood and lymph vessels. Once the uterus is back in the correct position, the body regains its natural balance, especially the pelvic region and surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed from the body resulting in balanced hormones, toned tissue and properly functioning organs.


Learn to heal yourself. Self-care workshops are available for women who wish to learn how to perform Mayan abdominal massage on themselves. Massage may also heal health issues such as painful periods, PMS, fibroids, painful ovulation and other problems that may contribute to infertility. The Mayan abdominal massage workshop addresses the anatomy and physiology of the abdominal organs, massage techniques, and the nutritional, spiritual, emotional, and herbal accompaniments for self-healing.

Tips & Warnings

Do not have Mayan abdominal massage performed if you wear an IUD.